Creating SWOOD materials from manufacturer site with bit of programming skills
Hi everyone, I have been doing some hobby work in SWOOD and I wanted to have a list of materials created from the manufacturers website. We can use a bit of web scrapping to get the data we need.
For my case I wanted to get Kaindl boards data from
To do that we use some standard node packages:
from node standard librarycheerio
to do the html parsingaxios
to fetch page html and imagescsv
to do csv generation
Here’s the whole code with NOTEs inside to explain the parts.
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const axios = require('axios');
const stringify = require('csv-stringify/lib/sync');
async function main() {
// NOTE: we can switch comment on next two lines if you want to use the page from file system instead of loading it from web every run
// const page = fs.readFileSync('page.html').toString();
const page = (await axios.get('')).data;
const $ = cheerio.load(page);
// NOTE: cheerio uses css selectors to target the page elements
const styles = $('p.ft4.f-bold.color-dark.product-style-name');
for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
// NOTE: I wanted to have one csv per file.
// NOTE: If you want all styles in one csv file, move the line below and lines saving the csv - outside the loop
const csv = []; // create CSV per file
// NOTE: Getting the style data
const style = styles.get(i);
const $style = $(style);
const styleName = $style.text();
console.log(`Working on ${styleName} style`);
// NOTE: Getting products inside current style
const styleProducts = $'.pattern-grid__item.js-product-pattern');
for (let styleProductIndex = 0; styleProductIndex < styleProducts.length; styleProductIndex++) {
const product = styleProducts.get(styleProductIndex);
const $product = $(product);
// NOTE: Getting the product data. If you want, you can use additional files to map data that is missing.
// NOTE: For example, you can use price list to match the name of panel and properly set the cost
// NOTE: or to enter proper density for certain styles
const filterData = JSON.parse($product.attr('data-filter'));
const name = $product.find('.pattern-grid__item-info > .js-product-pattern-code').text().trim();
const thickness = parseInt([0]);
const grain = styleName.toLowerCase().startsWith('wood') ? 1 : 0;
const cost = 0;
const density = 654; //
const colorRGB = ''; // r,g,b
const imageUrl = $product.find('.image-wrapper > picture > img').attr('data-src');
// NOTE: Change to suit your needs
const imageName = `Keindl ${styleName} ${name}.jpg`; // Need to be in one folder
const imageLocalPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', imageName).toString();
if (!fs.existsSync(imageLocalPath)) {
const imageRequest = await axios.get('' + imageUrl, {
responseType: 'arraybuffer'
const textureDirection = 1; // 0 None, 1 Horizontal, 2 Vertical
const useInSawCut = 0; // 0 disabled, 1 enabled
const sawCutReference = name;
const feedGrainCorrectionAngle = 0; // number
const feedGrainCorrectionFactor = 0; // number
// NOTE: Change to suit your needs
const folder = 'Keindl\\' + styleName; // Folder to put the material
const materialType = 0; // 0 panel, 1 laminate, 2 compound
csv.push([name, name, thickness, grain, cost, density, colorRGB, imageName, textureDirection, useInSawCut, sawCutReference, feedGrainCorrectionAngle, feedGrainCorrectionFactor, folder, materialType]);
fs.writeFileSync(styleName + '.csv', stringify(csv, {
delimiter: ';'
If you want to test this code, copy it in file code.js
, navigate with terminal/console/cmd to containing folder and run npm i axios cheerio csv
to install required packages. After packages are installed run node code.js
. First time it will take a bit to create the images but after it will be very fast. After program runs successfully, containing folder will contain a bunch of .csv
files that can be imported into SWOOD materials library.