Creating SWOOD materials from manufacturer site with bit of programming skills

Zlatibor Veljkovic
3 min readNov 29, 2020


Hi everyone, I have been doing some hobby work in SWOOD and I wanted to have a list of materials created from the manufacturers website. We can use a bit of web scrapping to get the data we need.

For my case I wanted to get Kaindl boards data from

To do that we use some standard node packages:

  • fs and path from node standard library
  • cheerio to do the html parsing
  • axios to fetch page html and images
  • csv to do csv generation

Here’s the whole code with NOTEs inside to explain the parts.

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const axios = require('axios');
const stringify = require('csv-stringify/lib/sync');

async function main() {
// NOTE: we can switch comment on next two lines if you want to use the page from file system instead of loading it from web every run
// const page = fs.readFileSync('page.html').toString();
page = (await axios.get('')).data;
const $ = cheerio.load(page);

// NOTE: cheerio uses css selectors to target the page elements
styles = $('p.ft4.f-bold.color-dark.product-style-name');
for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
// NOTE: I wanted to have one csv per file.
// NOTE: If you want all styles in one csv file, move the line below and lines saving the csv - outside the loop
csv = []; // create CSV per file

// NOTE: Getting the style data
style = styles.get(i);
const $style = $(style);
const styleName = $style.text();
console.log(`Working on ${styleName} style`);

// NOTE: Getting products inside current style
styleProducts = $'.pattern-grid__item.js-product-pattern');
for (let styleProductIndex = 0; styleProductIndex < styleProducts.length; styleProductIndex++) {
const product = styleProducts.get(styleProductIndex);
const $product = $(product);

// NOTE: Getting the product data. If you want, you can use additional files to map data that is missing.
// NOTE: For example, you can use price list to match the name of panel and properly set the cost
// NOTE: or to enter proper density for certain styles
filterData = JSON.parse($product.attr('data-filter'));
const name = $product.find('.pattern-grid__item-info > .js-product-pattern-code').text().trim();
const thickness = parseInt([0]);
const grain = styleName.toLowerCase().startsWith('wood') ? 1 : 0;
const cost = 0;
const density = 654; //
colorRGB = ''; // r,g,b
imageUrl = $product.find('.image-wrapper > picture > img').attr('data-src');
// NOTE: Change to suit your needs
imageName = `Keindl ${styleName} ${name}.jpg`; // Need to be in one folder

imageLocalPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', imageName).toString();
if (!fs.existsSync(imageLocalPath)) {
const imageRequest = await axios.get('' + imageUrl, {
responseType: 'arraybuffer'
const textureDirection = 1; // 0 None, 1 Horizontal, 2 Vertical
useInSawCut = 0; // 0 disabled, 1 enabled
sawCutReference = name;
const feedGrainCorrectionAngle = 0; // number
feedGrainCorrectionFactor = 0; // number
// NOTE: Change to suit your needs
folder = 'Keindl\\' + styleName; // Folder to put the material
materialType = 0; // 0 panel, 1 laminate, 2 compound

csv.push([name, name, thickness, grain, cost, density, colorRGB, imageName, textureDirection, useInSawCut, sawCutReference, feedGrainCorrectionAngle, feedGrainCorrectionFactor, folder, materialType]);
fs.writeFileSync(styleName + '.csv', stringify(csv, {
delimiter: ';'


If you want to test this code, copy it in file code.js , navigate with terminal/console/cmd to containing folder and run npm i axios cheerio csv to install required packages. After packages are installed run node code.js . First time it will take a bit to create the images but after it will be very fast. After program runs successfully, containing folder will contain a bunch of .csv files that can be imported into SWOOD materials library.



Zlatibor Veljkovic
Zlatibor Veljkovic

Written by Zlatibor Veljkovic

Programming for > 15 years, wood working enthusiast

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